On the fence about kids? Join one of our upcoming Kids or Childfree workshops! TICKETS HERE.
Coaching and community to help you work through the aspects of your Kids or Childfree choice keeping you stuck.
"The thoughtful questions you asked really helped me think about the question of whether to have kids in a new way. I also realized that in sharing one of my fears with the group, that was the first time I'd ever said it aloud before. Voicing those fears was such a good first step in understanding them. Thank you for cultivating that safe space." ~ A.J.
If you're on the fence about kids and…
â—‡ You've got no one in your life who seems to get what it's like not to know if you want kids
â—‡ There's an aspect of your choice that's got you stuck, or going in circles — whether that's the fact your partner isn't on the same page as you, or the worry that you'll regret your choice
â—‡ You feel like there's no way to resolve your worries and fears about deciding either way

…my brand-new monthly Support Series has been created to offer you the support you need.
"I have to admit at the start I doubted whether anyone could really maintain true
impartiality when mentoring folks through this decision but you absolutely did and I'm very grateful for that because it allowed me to also find a more neutral place to start making the decision from. "~ M.Y.
Each month I'll be hosting a 2-hour group session dedicated to a different aspect of the Kids or Childfree decision. ​
Each event will include powerful reflection questions, exercises, and discussion with fellow fence-sitters to help you clarify your right choice.
All sessions will take place online from
7-9 pm CET (Berlin) | 1-3 pm EST (New York).
Ticket price per session is $45 (+ taxes)
Can't join us live? Sessions will be recorded and the replay will be sent within 24 hours of the event to all ticket holders.
Here's our 6-month event line-up:

January 27th: A Difference of Opinion
Does your partner feel differently than you about the Kids or Childfree choice? Or maybe they're telling you they don't care either way and now you feel like the weight of this choice is all on you.
If you're struggling to get onto the same page as your partner, then this session will help you get some clarity on what happens next.
Attend this event on your own, or with your partner.

February 18th: Tackling FOMO
Has your fear of missing out got you stuck?
Whether you feel scared you'll miss the freedom and ease of your childfree life if you have kids, or worry that by staying childfree you'll miss one of life's most profound experiences — if FOMO has got you down, this session will help you find your way through.

March 24th: Navigating Difficult Emotions
Making your Kids or Childfree decision can be emotionally painful: grief, anxiety, sadness . . . shouldn't the choice feel good?
Learn how to use your emotions as teachers in your decision journey, and how you can move with and through tough feelings, instead of them keeping you stuck.

April 24th: Exploring the Fear of Regret
Is the possibility of future regret one of the big factors keeping you stuck in your Kids or Childfree choice?
Learn how to navigate and move past the "regret threat" so you can get clear on what you actually want in life — rather than letting fear guide your way.

May 20th : An Uncertain Future
Climate change, political upheaval, a global pandemic . . .
If you're asking, Do I want (and is it even ethical?) to bring a child into this world, this session will help you explore your Kids or Childfree decision in the face of uncertainty.
June 17th: Other People
Where do we even start?!
Whether it's worrying you'll be an outsider if you don't have kids, (because everyone you know already has), pressure from parents or in-laws to give them grandkids, or that one friend who keeps telling you that motherhood is SO. HARD. — we'll help you identify and figure out how to connect with what YOU want, and tackle those external voices keeping you stuck.
What can you expect in each support session?
New perspectives and ideas to help you shift from feeling stuck to feeling empowered to make the right decision for you.
Journaling prompts and exercises, that you can also delve into further after our call.
Discussion with fellow fence-sitters who are grappling with the same challenges as you, and get how lonely it can be not to know.
The opportunity to get coaching and support from me —without the longer-term commitment of my other programs and private coaching.
PLUS, when you join one or more Support Sessions, you'll get access to a private Slack group, exclusively for other session attendees.
Want 1-on-1 coaching support after our Support Series group call? You can add a private coaching call with me, for $197, at checkout. ​

Oh hey! I'm your Support Series host, Keltie.
(Alongside my sassy Meximutt, Shira.)

I’m Keltie Maguire: a Canadian ex-pat living in Germany, Clarity Coach for business owners and professionals — and childfree by choice.
While, today, I’m all about embracing what it means to be an adventure-loving, freedom-seeking entrepreneurial woman without kids, I remember how hard it felt to be straddling the fence in the middle:
Why did it seem like almost every other woman out there knew with all their heart that they wanted to be a mom?
For so many years I felt like there was something terribly wrong with me — that I was unwomanly — for not urging to have children. And yet I also couldn’t relate to those who said they just “always knew” that kids weren’t in their future.
Through coaching, self-reflection, connection with other childfree women — and by embracing my own process for uncovering greater clarity — I eventually came to what I call “99% clarity” that my path is NOT to become a mother. (Join the workshop to hear about the 1% seed of doubt that, ironically, brings me comfort and confidence, rather than second-guessing!)
After sharing my story on the We Are Childfree podcast in November 2021 (tune into my episode here), I was touched by an outpouring of messages from women telling me, This is exactly how I feel!
It turns out I wasn’t the only person who had grappled with this choice or who didn’t immediately “just know” that kids were — or weren’t — for me.
I promise that it’s 100% okay to feel ambivalent and uncertain about whether to have kids, and I can say with full confidence: there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. I also know from first-hand experience: there IS a future available with greater confidence and a clear choice.
"Thank you so much for creating a supportive space for me to think about and feel through this important decision. I think I knew I wanted community on this topic and attending this workshop confirmed that is exactly what I need." ~ L.S.
Ready for support in the areas of your
Kids or Childfree choice where you need it most?
Get your Support Series tickets below:
January 27th:
A Difference of Opinions
April 24th:
Exploring the Fear of Regret
February 18th:
Tackling FOMO
March 24th:
Tackling FOMO
May 20th:
An Uncertain Future
June 17th:
Other People

Have a question about this Support Series? I've got answers.
Q: What if I can't attend live?
A: No problem; all sessions will be recorded and the replay will be sent to ticket-holders within 24 hours of each call.
Q: Are men allowed to join, or is this for women only?
A: All genders are most welcome to attend - this series is for everyone.
Q: Do I have to attend all 6 sessions?
A: Nope! You can pick and choose as you like. But if you do want to attend all sessions, besure to get an All-Access Pass to save almost $100!
Q: Is it okay if I've already made my Kids or Childfree decision, but am still need support with one of these topics?
A. Absolutely! Please do :)